People take medicines in order to help them feel better and regain their health. But what if we told you that tooth decay could be secretly hiding in your medicine cabinet? Many medications that are used today have wonderful benefits for helping fight against illnesses and infections, yet more than 600 of these same medications cause dry mouth, and many liquid medicines (especially for children), have ingredients that can damage the teeth. It is important to speak with your dentist about any medications that you are taking in order to prevent damaging tooth decay.
It is unfortunate that something that can make you feel better can also cause other damage, but sometimes that is just how life works. Many medicines greatly reduce the production of saliva in the mouth and cause people to have “dry mouth”. A mouth that remains dry for periods of time is extremely susceptible to the build up of bacteria. Saliva acts like a natural mouthwash, helping to repair our teeth from the constant assault of bacteria throughout the day. Medications that cause dry mouth are inadvertently putting teeth at risk for gum disease and decay, as well as many children’s medicine syrups that have sweeteners (even artificial ones). Keeping the mouth well moisturized with sugarless gum or dentist approved hard candies, and remembering to brush children’s teeth after taking medications can significantly decrease the risk of tooth decay.
At Gold Hill Dentistry, we care about our dental patients, and we want to partner with you to keep your mouth as healthy and beautiful as possible. If you live in the Fort Mill area and are looking for a family dentist to trust for optimal oral health, call us today. We are currently accepting new patients and would be proud to serve your family.